A good friend deployed to Afghanistan about a month ago. Their living conditions are some of the worst I have ever heard of; very similar to the stories I heard about Iraq in 2003. I have heard that many of the guys (if not most) are physically ill with the food and water they have available. So I asked my mother to once again rally the troops (i.e. my family) and get some care packages off to this guy, and no worries, he'll share, he's a great guy. So she called my grandmother for some tooth brushes. Her theory is that if they are getting sick, they NEED to change their toothbrush fairly often. Our awesome dentist gave my mom whole boxes of toothbrushes, small variety tooth pastes (which one deployed Soldier told me he liked because it was just another variation for his very "Groundhog's Day" deployment), and floss! And of course, all of the old "dude" magazines from their waiting room. I just couldn't believe it. So the nerd I am, I immediately thought about making him a card! (Sadly, this is not the first card I have mailed to my dentist, but that is a different story. And quite frankly, my dentist rocks!!)
So here is the card I mailed to him and his staff: